Florists Marble Mosaic Logo Floor


Hand cut




4ft x 4ft


Details of Florists Marble Mosaic Logo Floor

How much joy does this colorful glass mosaic typography evoke! Mosaic artists custom handcrafted this glass mosaic flooring panel for a florist’s shop. The flower shop brand’s theme focuses on having that refreshing Spring time feeling all year round. For the text part, the florist’s logo was recreated in mosaic. As for the color palette and design the owner of the shop wanted something happy, bright, & memorable.

Frequently Used Dimensions

  • 5ft x 5ft | $2,250

* Handcut Mosaic Wall Art
* Thickness 4mm (including mesh)
* Suitable for Indoors & Outdoors. All weather resistant.
* Color Fade Resistant
* Design & Colors can be customized. Get free design renders.
* Easy Installation
* Standard Orders Ship For Free-Arriving in 4-8 Weeks, Globally!

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